Annual Report




We are indeed honoured to have this opportunity to present before you consistent upward graph of our school’s achievements and glories. The school has continued to see growth in enrolment, development of infrastructure and facilities too have seen growth. Our School is a vibrant school which has been built on strong foundations and enjoys a good reputation.

I would like to quote it in the words of ‘Jean Piaget’

“The principal goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done.”


We the ‘Vimaknights’ firmly believe in making our school one of the best schools of our country, by providing 360 degree education to our students through best in class, academic facilities and hands on practice, churn out citizens who will be the inspiring leaders with humane touch.

School Strength

With 1332 students, 50 academic, 11 administrative and 26 multitasking staff, we are actively striving to create a pleasant atmosphere here.


‘The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it but what they become by it.’

The result of class 10th and 12th brought a smile on everyone’s face as our hearts were full of joy

to see the amazing performance of our very talented students and praiseworthy efforts of our

diligent teachers.

Result of 10th 2022-23

Result of 12th Science 2022-23 Result of 12th Commerce 2022-23


We have conducted different types of activities that enabled the students to supplement and

compliment the curricular growth.

·         Quiz competition was conducted for wards of Air Warriors on 23rd June 2023.

·         We had Extempore competition on 28th June 2023.

·         Fun with Maths activity was conducted on 5th July 2023.

·         Patriotic skit for students was planned on 14th August 2023.

·         To mark the importance of Hindi language ‘Hindi Pakhwada’ was celebrated on 14th September 2023.

·         Heritage club activities like visit to Agha Khan palace was planned on 29th August 2023.

·         Cyber Security drawing competition was arranged for students.

·         Partition Horror i.e. Remembrance Day was held in school.


“Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream leads the goal.”

AFSVN is delighted to announce the exceptional achievements of our students in various fields. I feel very privileged and honoured to acknowledge the achievements of our brilliant students who have made both the school and their parents proud. I would love to share with you all the achievements of our worthy students.


·         The SWAC AF schools Athletics and Sports championship 2023 was held at AF Station Pune- from 07 to 10 Aug 2023 to select the team which would represent SWAC at the All India AF Schools Athletics and Sports Championship 2023.

·         The 12th Edition of All India Air Force Schools Athletics and Sports championship was conducted by Central Air Command at Air Force School Agra from 19th Sep to 21 Sep 2023. Our School Students bagged 2 Gold medals, 5 Silver medals and 8 Bronze medals.

·         To give a sense of self-esteem, knowledge of self-defence and self-discipline Taekwondo tournament was held for our school students on 26th Aug 2023.

·         Swarit Rohit Patil of class 7, Age 12 years achieved number One position in Squash Tournament under 11 years category.He Won total 4 national level tournaments held at Kolkata, Indore and Mumbai. He will represent India in Asian Individual Squash Championship scheduled to be held at China.

·         In the ‘World Robotics Olympiad State Championship’ our school team bagged 2nd position.

·         Sports for all (SFA) championship was held at Balewadi Stadium, Pune. Prathamesh Kamble secured Gold medal in 100m and 200m race and Zayed Shaikh secured Bronze medal in 200m race.


“Every day is a new day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.”

Respecting tradition and novelty alike, we celebrate various festivals & events in the school. These events are not only educational but also great fun. With gaining knowledge and conducting contests, many events were celebrated . Some of the initiatives taken this year are -

v  ATL Communication Day

v  Fire Safety week

v  International Yoga Day.

v  Independence Day celebration.

v  Teachers’ day celebration.

v  Traditional day celebration etc.


These are just a few to name. besides these, a lot of events were also conducted.

Student embellishment activities

The school conducted various student embellishment activities to help them sharpen their communication skills, expression skills, public speaking skills etc with the help of activities like

1.   Workshop at National Baal Bhavan which was held from 17th to 20th April 2023.

2.   Investiture ceremony

3.   Lifestyle for Environment (LIFE) from 1st of June  5th June 2023.

4.   Panchprana activities were conducted from 21st June  26th June 2023.

5.   G-20 Activity - Drawing competition on 19th August 2023.

6.   G-20 Activity  Hindi Debate competition on 23rd August 2023.

7.   G-20 Activity  Mock G-20 on 24th August 2023.

8.   Panchprana activities like poster making.

9.   India the world leader etc… was conducted.

10. Master Nihaal Singh (Alumni of AFSVN) conducted motivational lecture for our school students.

11. We also initiated dry day awareness program on 19th Aug 2023.

12.  A special lecture for self-denfence was conducted on 8 sep 2023 by Damini Marshall Squad, Vimantal police station, Pune.

13. NCC camp & thrilling activities were organized for NCC cadets throughout the year.

14. A team of 8 students of our school along with 2 incharge teachers attended the digital story telling, film making & podcasting workshop from 1 Nov to 6 Nov 2023 at Air Force School Jamnagar.



Relaxation, fun learning & change is a must. The school organized field trips & picnic to various places. Students enjoyed & loved the experience outside four walls. As a part of the curriculum, we had our field trips & picnics for all classes.

Teacher’s workshop

Teachers are also learners.”

Staying updated is the key to success in any field especially in education.To make the

staff more vigilant and aware of the rules and regulation CBSE in house training

workshops were conducted by the school.

·         Our teachers constantly strive to stay updated by attending workshop and various training programs like

·         Road safety awareness workshop at AFS Yehalanka (17 April -19 April 2023).

·         CBSE in-house training on physical fitness (30 June 2023).

·         CBSE in-house training on road safety awareness. (31 July 2023).


We had best school inspection at SWAC level as well as Air Headquarter level.

New Initiative

“Constant improvement is the key to success” In this endeavor we have introduced a few new initiatives

·         we have started pre-KG wing in VN where 23 students are enrolled and 12 students are enrolled in KGVSN.

·         we have started pre-KG wing in VN where 23 students are enrolled and 12 students are enrolled in KGVSN

·         A few infrastructural and other development comprise of Computer Labs, Library, Artificial grass, volleyball court etc.


·         Drills are practice exercises that provide learners will opportunity to enhance and improve critical skills and knowledge sets. For the same we conduct various drills like

·         Fire safety drill, terrorist attack drill and earthquake drill in the school for our student.


The journey for the thirst of knowledge is unending. There’s always need for growth improvement,

adversity. So, we need to accept the challenges and keep doing the things differently, with this

note I am summing up the school Annual report.

We at AFSVN will continue our unceasing efforts to mould the young minds into well balanced

personalities with confidence and zeal befitting the standards of this portal of education.

This report is a sincere attempt to showcase our progress in terms of achievements and activities

during the year. On this memorable occasion as we recount our success with pride and happiness,

we wish to dedicate all our achievements to the committed team called VIMAKNIGHTS.

In the end I would like to conclude with the lines,

“Don’t tell us sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon!